SimCapture Enterprise: How to access and work with course reports
Gain an understanding of how to access and use course reports in SimCapture Enterprise.
Table of Contents
An administrator who has permission may report on Course activity and can view reports related to Reservation Count and Reservations Time from the Calendar page. Additionally, filters related to Month, Location, Organization, Course, User, and Simulator may be applied to the report providing data related to Calendared reservations.
When exported as an Excel sheet, the report labels will show in the local language. Additionally, you will see the Username formatted as Last Name, First Name, and Middle (if applicable).
Accessing course reporting
Courses that contain evaluations may be reported directly from the individual Course page. Information related to Course Scores, Learner Score Statistics, Question Analysis, and Answer Analysis is readily available for an administrator to assess course participants' progress.
When exporting the raw data of a full Course, the tabs in the report will show the title of the scenario of evaluation. Note that these titles will have a limit of 31 characters.
To access and work with Course reporting, take these steps.
- Click Courses on the global navigation bar.
- Click the course you want to look at.
- Scroll to the Results pod.
- Click View reports.
Results pod
The Results pod on the course page contains information presented in a graph format that may be obtained at a glance related to evaluation scores and overall progress.
Hovering over the graph shows how many learners scored within a specific range. As shown above, 1 learner scored in the 90-100% range.
Additionally, this report shows not only the average score and standard deviation, but allows for the filtering of the following:
- Scenarios
- Evaluations
- Question Categories
- Date
Course score report
The Course Scores report displays information related to all evaluations in the Course. There may be many evaluations in a single course that have scores associated. An Administrator can view specific data related to the selection by filtering the data by Scenario and/or Evaluation.
To access and work with the Course Score report, take these steps.
- Click Courses on the global navigation bar.
- Click the course you want to look at.
- Scroll to the Results field, and select View Reports.
The image below shows the following:
- Range of Scores area.
- Participant name, score/possible, and percentage. The score presented is only reflective of items completed.
- Quick Stats – overall course percentage and standard deviation.
- Scenario Filter – all Scenarios in the Course are included.
- Evaluation Filter - all Evaluations in the Course are included unless Scenario filters have been set.
- Question Category Filter – all Question Categories used within the Course are included. Selecting one or more question categories will filter the scores listed to only include scores for questions with that category.
Date Filter - filter by start and end dates.
Score reports can also be filtered by the date that the evaluation was submitted and will only include scores for evaluations that were submitted within the filtered time frame. This filter applies to Excel exports from the Course Scores page.
The Download as Excel button will prompt you to select between downloading the Gradebook report or the raw data export for all evaluations within that Course.
Evaluations with a score of zero that are submitted will be included in the calculation of the overall score for Score reports, Learner Evaluation Score, and course totals for Gradebook reports.