Common SimCapture terms
Discover the key terminology used in the field of SimCapture, ranging from basic concepts to advanced techniques, helping you better understand and navigate the world of medical simulation.
Debrief (Session Debrief, playback) - Viewing the session after it is completed is called Debrief. A session is ready for debrief after it has ended. Debriefs can be viewed via a direct link or by clicking on the session in the Sessions list. When debriefing a session, a user may annotate recordings and fill out evaluations, if available.
Door Note - Typically contains information about the encounter or instructions before entering the room.
EMR - Electronic Medical Record
Encounter - An exam period when the learner and standardized patient are engaged directly. This is a recorded exam phase, during which an EMR can be presented to the learner on the patient exam interface.
Evaluation (Evals, before session, during session, after session) - Evaluations are filled-out forms answered by users. They can be created for Courses or Scenarios and can be filled out before, during, or after a session or exam flow, depending on the configuration. They can be assigned to any user associated with the course or scenario (e.g., participants, SPs), depending on the configuration. They may optionally also have a Scoring Rubric attached. For more information about evaluation types, see SimCapture Cloud evaluation types.
Exam - An exercise that tests a learner’s mastery of a certain topic. In SimCapture, an exam is specifically an OSCE-style examination administered via the Exam System. Exams consist of phases that a learner or learners must pass through, in which they must encounter a patient in an exam room, fill out EMRs or evaluations, etc. An Exam Flow defines the configuration for these details. Each time a learner or group of learners completes an exam, a video recording of the encounter will be added to the exam’s Session if cameras are available in the room.
Exam Flow - An exam flow is a series of phases that dictate the state of a room. A scenario can be configured to use an exam flow, after which it is used in the Exam System by selected the corresponding course and scenario. Exam flows have one or more Learners, up to 2 Encounter phases, and phases for Learners and Patients to fill out evaluations.
Honor Code - Allows for required institutional honor code to be accepted or agreed to after login and prior to progressing further into exam session.
Monitor Interface - The monitor interface is a part of the Exam System that lets users view the camera feeds of rooms currently in an Exam. Users may also fill out evaluations from here.
Learner - A learner is a user that participates in any simulation session. Learners have their own interface in exams, which lets them advance the room state and fill out evaluations.
Participant - Participant generally refers to a user associated with a course, session, exam, or reservation. However, it (usually) does not refer to owners or administrators of such items. ”Participant” often refers to Learners or Patients. “Participant” may also refer to any user that has the Participant Role.
Post-Encounter - The reflection phase following the encounter which allows for learner or patient (or both) participants to complete an evaluation. Scores will be attributed to the learner participant in the exam session.
Remote Exam - Remote Exams are Exams in which Learners and Patients can participate remotely via streaming video from any location rather than in person at an exam center. Users can log in to Remote Exams on their web browsers using their SimCapture credentials.
Reservation (Event) - A reservation is a scheduled event that may include a course, scenario, and participants, among other items. They can be viewed via the Calendar tab.
Role - A role is a pre-defined set of permissions applied to every user matching that role. For example, the Participant Role lets users of that role join sessions and fill out evals but do not create or modify courses and scenarios. Note: Participants can't join a session unless they are an SP or Monitor in the Enterprise with Exam System SP encounter.
Scoring Rubric (Scoring eval, Admin eval) - A scoring rubric is a special evaluation attached to a regular eval. They are meant to evaluate the performance of another user, given their filled-out eval and (optionally) any associated videos.
Session - A session is an instance of a recorded event or an exam instance. Sessions may have associated participants, course, scenario, and evaluations, and their recordings may be annotated either live or in debrief.
Standardized Patient - (SP, SPs, SP's, Patient) - A standardized patient (SP) is a user that interacts with the Exam System as a special kind of participant. When a room is configured, an SP is also assigned to that room. The SP will have its own exam interface to fill out evaluations and do a few other exam-related actions.