Practice with a Peer: Two device session
Learn effective tips and strategies for working collaboratively with a friend while using two devices.
Table of Contents
Using two devices, this article will show you how to use SimCapture for Skills when practicing skills with a peer. If you are interested in the Self-record method, see How To: SimCapture for Skills – Self-recording.
Things to know before you begin
- The SimCapture for Skills interface is accessible on any device that enables a web browser including all smartphones and tablets.
- Single Sign-On (SSO) is available if your organization has been enabled for this feature.
- We recommend that you use a stable wi-fi connection.
User roles
There are three user roles in the SimCapture for Skills interface:
- System Administrator – Has permission to set up the SimCapture system and can give permission for Administrators to create Courses and Users.
- Administrator – Create and manage Courses.
- Participant – this is you, the Learner.
The Learner is the participant that will be performing the skill, while the Observer (peer) is the participant that will assess the skill.
As an overview, the Learner will select the course and scenario they want to practice, choose the practice with a peer option, and choose the pairing method, in this case, two devices. The Learner will then generate a code.
While the Learner is taking these actions, the observing peer (Observer), will log in and select "observe a peer" which is located on the initial course list page. The Observer will then input the Learner's code.
Once that is done, the Learner will select Begin Practice, set their phone down and perform the skill while the Observer assesses them.
Let's take a look at the step-by-step details shown below.
Peer-to-Peer scenarios
When using the Practice with a Peer option, one individual is designated as the Learner and the other is the Observer.
- Log in to your SimCapture for Skills site using [yoursimcapturedomain]
- Under Your Course List, as the Learner, select a non-self-record skill. Here you will see the Overview and Learning Objectives for the scenario.
- As the Learner, click Practice

- As the Learner, click Practice with a Peer as your practice mode to complete the evaluation.

Assign your observing peer
As the Learner, once you have chosen the skill you will practice with a Peer, you will then choose an Observer and two devices for the Pairing Method and generate a code which you will share with your peer who is observing you practice and they will input this code into their device.
Note: There is no pre-reflection shown here. The observer will be directed to the pre-reflection once the evaluation begins.
Once the observer clicks Keep This Session, the Learner clicks Begin Practice and the evaluation will begin.
Evaluation begins
If there is no pre-reflection, the observer will be directed to a skills checklist page. At this point, the observer will evaluate the learner performing the skill by checking the items done as either complete or incomplete. Once the learner is finished, the observer will click Submit Checklist. This will generate a Checklist Completed message on the Learner's device screen.
Certain answers (as configured by the Admin creating the scenario) will prompt the learner to add a comment. This comment can be written by selecting the comment icon and typing the comment in the text box. Pre/post reflections, as well as the live checklist, can be configured to have these types of questions.
Session feedback
Learners can view detailed session feedback before arriving on the score page by selecting the drop-down arrow for each of the question values. This feedback includes the pre/post reflections as well as the live checklist and shows the status of your questions as Done, Partially Done, Missed, and Unscored.
- Done: Answers chosen are given full credit.
- Partially Done: Answers chosen are given fewer points than the most possible number of points for that question.
- Missed: No credit.
- Unscored: Question(s) that had no point values.

- Total score
- Date of attempts
- Total attempts
- Previous high score
- Timer
- Score breakdown by question category
- Detailed feedback by question category
- Green – Indicates a new high score
- Black – Indicates the score has remained the same
- Orange – Indicates that the score is below the previous high score

Question categories
Question categories can be applied across a curriculum to provide an evaluation of areas needing attention from an individual, cohort, or program as data is accumulated.
In this example, you see the use of QSEN (Quality and Safety Education in Nursing) competency categories. These are mapped to overall questions so that a learner can identify in what areas they need assistance. It is also useful for administrators as they can identify gaps in knowledge through the admin interface.