Things to know before you begin
The SimCapture Cloud iOS app is available on the iOS app store free for current SimCapture Cloud subscribers. To download the app, click here from your mobile device or search "SimCapture Cloud" in the App store.
App features
Features with a * next to them are offered on the iPad only.
- Record, annotate and upload videos to your SimCapture Cloud site.
- Associate mobile recordings with Scenarios, Locations, and Organizations.
- Share recorded sessions with other users directly from the App.
- Debrief Sessions recorded both with and without the App.
- *Manage Users, Scenarios, and Sessions.
- *View system usage reports.
The SimCapture Pro Mobile iOS App does not support live streaming, simulator data integration, LLEAP data, or monitor feeds.
Note: Users must be Administrators or System Administrators in their application, and have permission to Start, Join, and Manage Sessions to utilize the mobile app.
Using the app
Logging in
- Select the region of your SimCapture Cloud instance.
- Enter your SimCapture Cloud site URL.
- Enter your SimCapture Cloud username and password.
- The Reset Password option is available if the password has been forgotten.
- If supported by your device, you can choose to enable touch/face ID to skip this step in the future.
Starting a session
- Upon Logging in you will see a session list screen.
- This will allow you to playback any sessions in your organization.
- Clicking Record will display three (3) options
- Single Cam Recording - This will allow you to record with just a single device.
- Host A Multi-Cam Recording - This will allow you to become a recording host and have other iOS devices join your session to add additional recording angles.
- Connect To A Host - Become an additional camera on a recording session. Requires a device to have already selected Host a multi-cam recording.
- Hosting a recording will use your primary device to start/stop recordings on up to 3 additional iOS devices.
- This will allow you to have different viewing angles associated with a single session while controlling all devices from a single device.
- Start/Stop and annotations can only be done from the host device.
Recording a session
- Once you select a recording type, you will be asked for additional information regarding the session including Title, Scenario, Location, and Organization.
- When the session information is complete, the camera will be ready to record. Click the recording button to start recording.
- You may wait and see additional devices connecting if you picked to host or connect a multi-cam recording.
- To end a recording, tap the record button again and confirm ending the recording.
Annotating a session
- During a live recording, two types of annotations can be made.
- Predefined annotations
- Generic bookmarks
- Predefined annotations can be accessed by clicking the bookmark icon at the top of the screen.
- The annotation list will be populated by the selected scenario.
- If no scenario was selected, or if the selected scenario has no associated annotations, this option will be unavailable.
- Tapping an annotation will drop that bookmark at that moment in the video. You can also see a count of how many times that annotation has been made.
- Generic flags can be added by tapping the flag icon at the bottom of the screen.
- This will drop a generic annotation at the chosen spot that can be viewed or edited when debriefing.
Saving a session
- Once your recording is complete, you will be taken back to the Sessions list on each device.
- If you have cellular data turned off, the session will wait until you are connected to WiFi to begin uploading.
- You may click the up arrow to force uploading over your cellular connection if no wifi is available.