2023 SimCapture Cloud Release Notes
SimCapture Cloud releases from January 2023 to December 2023
This article contains the complete history of SimCapture Cloud releases from January 2023 to December 2023 with the latest release appearing first.
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December 14, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.111.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Scheduling): You can now print your daily calendar schedules to make it easier to review. For more information on how to print the daily schedule, see SimCapture Enterprise: How to access and use the SimCapture Enterprise cloud calendar.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Copying): When copying courses, scenario attachments are now copied as well.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams – Configuring Rooms): All available participants/learners associated with a scenario will now show in the dropdown menu when configuring an exam room.
December 5, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.110.x
Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): Administrative users can clear the configuration of a room regardless of whether the room is in use or not by clicking the Clear Configuration option as shown here.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports – Inter-rater Consistency): We’ve updated the Inter-rater Consistency report to display information and a table prior to exporting to excel. Additionally, the export will be color-coded red or green to highlight a z-score as well as 1 or 2 standard deviations above or below the mean. The UI will show these colors as light and dark orange. For more information about this report, see SimCapture Enterprise with Exam System: How to generate and interpret the Inter-rater consistency report.
Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flows): Administrators and Contributors are now able to display or hide the timer on the learner workstation during the encounter/post-encounter phase by toggling a switch.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course - Agenda): Administrative users can now create a quick add calendar reservation from within a course by clicking agenda. See SimCapture Enterprise: How to operate the SimCapture Enterprise course for more information.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Course - Evaluations): Completed evaluations are no longer showing when the “Show completed evaluations” box is unchecked.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course – Exam Scenario): When selecting an optional timer, the user must enter a value for the time or the Save button will be disabled and a validation error will appear.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Course – Monitor Interface): When the user hovers over room names that are truncated, you will now see the complete name of the room.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports – Exported Pdf reports): Exported PDF reports for Question and Answer analyses now include the name of the course in the title of the report.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): When clicking into an empty date in month view, the reservation modal appears with the start and end date pre-populated.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Translated self-record assignment titles are now on the Participant calendar.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Within the calendar, the click and drag time function will carry over from the create reservation to the add details modal.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Reservations that span multiple days are selectable to start a session for all days in that timeframe.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Course administrators can no longer view the self-record session video in the course participant results unless the administrator has the correct permissions to do so.
November 9, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.109.x
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Within the Viewers search field, we’ve updated the language to place emphasis on the text. You will see the message “Participants are NOT included in the viewer permission. Go to Release Scores to provide participant viewing access.”
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): We’ve updated the language of the Clear Configuration action from “Are you sure you want to remove the configuration of this room?” to read “Are you sure you want to clear the configuration of this room?”
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Reports): When exporting multiple reports from several courses, you’ll now see the course name in the title of the exported file. For example, the gradebook report will now export with the file name: course-name-gradbook-report-2023-10-12. This update applies to:
- Course Scores – Evaluation
- Learner Score Statistics – Folder Title
- Encounters
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Control Interface): In the event of a connection disruption, you can reconnect.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve made it possible to export all the pdfs of a selected evaluation into a zip folder so that you can easily find the evaluation by username.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Question Builder): When typing text into the Question Builder, the text will now render immediately.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubrics): Scoring rubrics no longer requires specific contributor permissions for the rubric to be completed.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubrics): Learner scorers can now see session videos when completing scoring rubrics after the evaluation is completed.
October 26, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.108.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Reports): When exporting multiple reports from several courses, you’ll now see the course name in the title of the exported file. For example, the gradebook report will now export with the file name: course-name-gradbook-report-2023-10-12
Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (User Management): Now, when bulk uploading users, a specific error will show to alert you to when the following data is missing:
- First name
- Last name
- Missing Email
- Incorrect or misspelled role
- Duplicate user
- Missing username
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (User Permissions - Courses): When adding contributors to a course, you can now see a description of the permission given. For more details about this update, see SimCapture Enterprise: How to add and use courses.
- Pro (User Permissions - Scenarios): When adding contributors to a scenario, you can now see a description of the permission given. For more details about this update, see SimCapture Enterprise and Pro: How to create a scenario.
Pro (Sessions): We’ve added updated text to the Viewers search field of the People tab in Sessions to indicate that Participant user types included in the defined Organization in this field will receive Viewer permissions/access to the Session. This only impacts SimCapture Pro users - participants using SimCapture Enterprise must have sessions released to them.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with CCM (Sessions): We’ve added updated text to the Viewers search field of the People tab in Sessions to indicate that Participant user types are not included in the view permission.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Within the Session Viewers field, Participant users are omitted when using the Search feature.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve removed the legend of correct/incorrect answers for Pro users and for our Enterprise users, we’ve removed the legend of correct/incorrect answers for reflections and those evaluations which have a point value of 0 (zero).
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Evaluations): When deleting a Course evaluation, a screen will pop-up asking you to confirm deletion as this action cannot be undone.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): With the introduction of a Support Staff/Faculty filter feature, administrative users can filter the main calendar by Faculty so that they can see who is part of or covering a reservation.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Reservations): We’ve made some performance enhancements to improve load times of the calendar reservation reports list when filtering by Inventory items.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): We’ve updated the Back to calendar button to take the user back to the day/week/month they were working with instead of taking them to the current date.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams - Control Interface): Within the room action menu of the Control interface, we’ve updated the wording from Not in Use to Clear Configuration to show consistency between the two options.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): We’ve fixed the Force Learners Into Exam function so that when both the Learner and Standardized Patient (SP) are present in the virtual waiting room and the administrative user has opened the exam for Learners, the Learner and SP are moved into the virtual room.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Reservation request): New reservation requests from course agendas are now associated to the course.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Admin view): Reservations from In-development courses now appear on the administrative calendar.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): Reservations on the configure session screen are now filtered by Client.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Scheduling): When creating a rotational event, active Courses no longer display “Archived” at the end of the Course name.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting – Learner Stats): When no evaluations are submitted, the learner statistics page will load an empty table.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting – Learner Stats): When exporting a Learner statistics report, the total score percentage now shows with the correct scores.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting – Learner Stats): When exporting a Learner statistics report, unsubmitted evaluations will now show “– “for the passing cutoff instead of 0%.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting – Learner Stats): We’ve updated the text in the Learner statistics export report so that it is consistent with the UI (User Interface).
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): An error no longer appears when updating Course administrators with zero scenarios.
- Pro (Scenarios): Users can copy reflections without error.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Remote room names for non-English locales now renders correctly.
October 12, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.107.x
Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve moved and improved the Gradebook Report, found under Course > Reports > Download as Excel, to SimCapture’s new reporting engine and included these additional enhancements:
- Appropriate headers to distinguish Question Category, Scenario, Scenario Items, and Course Items.
- Updated calculation of participants’ totals when possible points differ between users.
- Updated Course Stats and Scenario Stats to only include percentage for appropriate calculation.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Evaluations): Monitor evaluators will now be able to complete Monitor evaluations after the time for an exam has passed. For more details about this feature, see SimCapture Enterprise with Exam System: Working with the monitor evaluation.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Self-enrollment): We’ve added a tooltip to the participant calendar view so that users can hover over their reservation and see important information.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): We’ve updated the Back to calendar button to take the user back to the day/week/month they were working with instead of taking them to the current date.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): When exporting the Learner Score Statistics report, the passing requirement will show in the correct place.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): When stopping an encounter, an error no longer appears.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Calendar - Reservations): When searching for support staff within the Support Staff/Faculty filter, all administrator or system administrators will now appear.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): Participants can now be added to reservations even when self-enrollment is turned off.
September 28, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.106.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Administrative users can view all sessions tied to a standardized patient or Contributor user by clicking a username and selecting See All Sessions in the Sessions pod.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Self-enrollment): Administrative users can change a self-enrolled event to a non-self-enrolled event. For more information, see SimCapture Cloud Enterprise: Self-enrollment reservation basics.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve updated our monitor evaluations so that the Complete evaluation button requires only one click to submit the evaluation.
Bugs Fixed
Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Session Video Deletion Policy): When the Global Auto Deletion Policy for Session Videos is set at the system level, scenarios will automatically default to using this deletion policy unless the deletion policy is edited and not set to ‘None’ at the Scenario level. Note that this will not display within the Course page and this visual aid will be in an upcoming release.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Session Viewer): When a scheduled session is started using a calendar reservation, the correct organization name will be shown in the session viewer.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): When creating a reservation, the text of the date and time within the Start and End date fields no longer overlap.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports): Course contributors and administrative users with View Results permissions can now view the Cross Course report.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports): Administrative users can now see that the Learner Result report is now correctly averaging the total score for evaluations that are attempted multiple times instead of adding these scores together.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course - Evaluations): When editing an evaluation that contains multiple choice questions, the values entered will be preserved whether the administrative user switches between Standard deviations below the mean or Absolute percent.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario Evaluations): Users can now successfully copy and save Course Evaluations as Scenario Evaluations.
- Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup): When registering IP Video and Audio feeds and submitting the form, the save button works correctly.
September 14, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.105.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): Upon exporting the Learner Contact Hour report, you’ll now be able to see the number of learners under the “Number of Participants” column as well as being able to view the “Learner Contact Hours”, which will show the session duration multiplied by the number of participants.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting/Calendar): When exporting the raw data report from the Calendar page, administrative users will see a column labeled “Number of Participants Expected.”
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar/Self-enrollment): Administrative users can now set a retraction date and time for self-enrollment. When this retraction date and time are set, a user can enroll up to that set time. Once this time has passed, a user cannot enroll or unenroll from the event. However, an administrative user can manually enroll or unenroll users by following the Course > Agenda > Edit path.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and SimCapture for Skills (Scheduling Peer-to-Peer and Self-record Scenarios): Now, when creating a peer-to-peer or self-record scenario, administrative users will see that the “multiple times” setting is grayed out and “Self-record and Peer-to-Peer Scenarios do not apply to self-enrolled scheduling preferences.”
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Tray App): To reduce confusion, we’ve updated the color of the Stop Encounter button in the Student Tray app from blue to red.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve increased the size limit of Evaluation attachments to allow for multipart uploads. This will allow items such as videos to be included in these types of evaluations for Course and Scenario evaluations, Scenario Honor Code and Scenario EMRs.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup): Administrative users can now successfully remove the exam status on a room that has a scheduled rotational event even if the event occurred in the past.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup): When selecting the “Answer display type” as Text for the Course Evaluation report, answers for multiple choice questions will now show as True or False. Selecting Point Values will show multiple choice questions as “1” or “0” and free text will not be impacted.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (User Permissions): Administrative users who are contributors to courses and who have the “view results” permissions are now able to view the Inter-rater Consistency report.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams/Monitor Interface): Monitor feeds now appear during the Encounter state when running through consecutive sessions in the same room.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams/Monitor Interface): Phase timers are now updated when the room goes to the next phase.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting/Learner Results): Administrative users will see only the scores for the learners they select.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario Evaluations): Scenario evaluations that are in progress are now saved correctly when using the Copy feature.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (User Interface): Within the User logout area, we’ve relocated the Help button to show above “Log Out.”
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Improvements): We’ve improved the loading times of the administrative calendar page.
August 31, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.104.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar/Self-enrollment): Administrative users are now able to view the number of self-enrollment slots available when hovering over a self-enrolled reservation in the calendar.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): Downloaded course reports now displays filtered Organizations.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): Within the Learner Stats report, when setting the passing cutoff to a standard deviation, the Question Category will no longer display as red.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Sessions are now able to be debriefed with no error appearing.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses/Scheduling): When Courses are in the development phase and self and non-self-enrollment reservations are made, Participants are not able to view the reservations they are eligible for.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Audio Announcements): Audio announcements with duplicate titles across different organizations will no longer show an error. For example, if Organization A creates an audio announcement titled “10 minutes remaining” and Organization B creates an audio announcement titled “10 minutes remaining”, both organizations will be successful with using this title.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Audio Announcements): Audio announcements created in Korean now play properly in an exam.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.33.0
Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Required Questions Behavior): If, when submitting a checklist, (the submission button is now always enabled), all required items, indicated by the word “Required”, are not completed, a Required Items Missing message will appear that states “Please complete all required items before submitting your checklist”.
Once the modal is closed, it will scroll to the first unanswered required question and the unanswered questions required tag will appear as an orange-colored error icon until the questions are answered.
If submitted again and there are still unanswered questions, the system will again take you to the first unanswered required question.
August 17, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.103.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): When there are no questions in an evaluation, the template previews will now display a message that reads “No questions in this evaluation” and the participant result legend will be hidden.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise with Exam System (Session Viewer): We’ve fixed the spacebar shortcut to prevent toggling the video feed in a live session.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports): When a learner is assigned to or saves an evaluation, but does not submit it, the passing cutoff icon in the Course Score report will not be shown.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup - Users): When importing users, the system no longer displays a message that the Middle name and User number are required fields.
August 3, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.102.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenarios): We’ve added a pop-up warning that states “This scenario cannot be edited because it is currently being used in a room” should an administrative user try to edit an evaluation that is attached to a configured Exam Scenario. To continue with the edit, the administrative user must unconfigure the room.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and SimCapture for Skills (Calendar Scheduling): When creating or editing a reservation within the calendar, choosing a start time later in the day will cause the end time to automatically move forward. For example, if the start time is moved forward 60 minutes, the end time will move forward 60 minutes.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Courses and exam scenarios can now be deleted after using them in a session. Note: If an exam has a standalone scenario that is assigned or completed by a learner, the standalone scenario cannot be deleted and therefore, the course or exam cannot be deleted.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar Reservations): Double clicking the Submit and Save button no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports): Completed Reflections are now able to be downloaded.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Session Viewer): Double-clicks will no longer be recognized when clicking the End Session button.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (System Setup - User Maintenance): When performing a bulk user import, any errors during the import are displayed to the administrative user.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (User Interface Interaction): Behavior improvements have been made when interacting with drop-down menus.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring): We’ve updated the Delete and Print buttons on the Scoring rubric.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar/Rotational Scheduling): The order of rooms selected is now in the correct numerical order.
July 20th, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.101.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): An update to the design of the Delete and Print buttons for Course evaluations has been made.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): To see how a student is performing, administrative users can now see the correct/incorrect answers in completed evaluations.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve enhanced the look of the evaluations released to the learner portfolio by highlighting the correct and incorrect answers with green, yellow and red. For more information, see SimCapture Enterprise: Released evaluations in learner portfolio.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): To make it easier to keep track of multiple different categories, we’ve updated our color selection options for new reservations.
Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and SimCapture for Skills (Calendar/Self-enrollment): We’ve updated the Course Participation setting for Scenario’s to read Allow Multiple Self-Enrollment sign-ups to better communicate that this is not limited to Peer-to-Peer.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar/Self-enrollment): Participants who use the self-enrollment feature will now receive email confirmation when they enroll or unenroll in an event.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): We’ve slightly increased the blur on the Honor Code State so that users cannot read the Door Note. Once the Honor Code is accepted, the user is then able to read the Door Note.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LLEAP): Starting a SimCapture Mobile Recording session in SimCapture Cloud and then starting the same session in LLEAP no longer results in duplicate feeds appearing within the live session. Note: This applies to a SimCapture Mobile Recording device paired to a location on a client with LLEAP set up on the same client.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and SimCapture for Skills (Courses): Course owners who are administrative users can now assign self-recording evaluations to scorers.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenarios): Within the settings pod of a Scenario, we’ve updated the text for the Video Deletion policy to read “Video deletion is currently enabled globally and cannot be modified at the scenario level.”
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Interface): Using multiple rooms with multiple monitors during an exam no longer causes database and monitor interface errors.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): When re-running a course, the word Course has been fixed to read “course” with a lowercase C.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.30.0
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Translations): We've improved the Japanese translation of the word "close" within the hint text box.
Bugs Fixed
- Self-record (Scenario): System administrative users can now properly assign agenda items with a future release date and time.
- Self-record (Evaluations): Course owners who are administrative users can now assign self-recording evaluations to scorers.
July 7th, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.100.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scheduling): Course Administrators will now see the option to open reservations for self enrollment to participants. Additional information on creating and managing self enrollment reservations can be found here.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scheduling): Participants will now be able to filter their schedule by Course.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scheduling): Participants will now be able to only show reservations which they are actively enrolled in.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Courses > People section now sorts users within alphabetical order. This includes Contributors, Monitors, and Viewers.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): We’ve improved Japanese translations for SimCapture for Skills
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Notifications): When adding users to a reservation, only the newly added users will be notified that they have been enrolled via email.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Notifications): When a participant selects the Calendar link within a notification email, it will now appropriately go to their calendar.
June 22, 2023 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.99.x
- Enterprise and SimCapture for Skills (Calendar): When creating a new calendar reservation, administrative users can set the number of expected participants for the reservation. Being able to set this expectation will prove to be beneficial for planning and utilization purposes.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): We've introduced cross course reporting which gives you the ability to select multiple courses and export the data into Excel to provide information on how individual participants are performing across the selected courses. This can be found within the Reports dashboard and the Participants tab.
- Enterprise (Translations): We've improved Korean translations for the scenario page, self-record scorer assignment page, participant dashboard, and report tab in the global navigation bar.
- Enterprise (System Settings): We have updated the Global Deletion policy to read "Set this if you would like all session videos within SimCapture to be deleted after a specified number of days. This will permanently delete all session videos within SimCapture if Video Deletion Policy Override is Enabled. This will also permanently delete all videos not associated to a Scenario.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Evaluations): We've added a loading indicator for evaluations that can be viewed in the session viewer.
- Enterprise (System Setting): System administrators can now add additional users to the Central Sign-in permissions area.
June 8, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.98.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting Beta): We’ve introduced cross course reporting which gives you the ability to select multiple courses and export the data into Excel to provide information on how individuals are performing across the selected courses. Please contact your impact manager if you want to enable this feature during the beta testing process.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Korean translations have been improved on the Courses page within the Report dashboard.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Korean translations Number of Sessions have been improved in the Usage area of the Report dashboard.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup): Within the System Setup > Users & Security > Sessions > Edit section area, users will now see the following message: “Note: only Administrator users are able to have these permissions applied. Participants will not appear within the search.”
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LLEAP): Notification is now sent when a live session begins recording via LLEAP.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Multi-clicks have been prevented from being used with the Start and End Session buttons to prevent errors.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): If a session does not have an associated scenario, the system will default to the Global Deletion policy in System setup, as to when the session will be deleted.
- Pro (Sessions): When clicking the Reflections tab from inside a Session, an error no longer occurs.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (UI Text): All text for the UI loads in Lato font.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.28.0
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Translations): Multiple Japanese translations have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Evaluations): When hovering over the question mark for a hint, the Japanese translation in the Close dialog box has been updated.
May 25, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.97.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): We've added optional timers for Door Notes and the EMR phase. This timer will allow the exam to move forward without student or Administrator interaction after a given number of minutes and seconds.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Global Search): Now, Administrative users can search for courses, scenarios, and evaluations within the navigation screen.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): When creating rotational events, patients are no longer duplicated when selecting them from the patient list.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): Saved monitor evaluations are no longer blank.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): Submission of an incomplete evaluation no longer results in the Save and Submit buttons being locked.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): The add contributor search option now orders the list alphabetically.
May 11, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.96.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Japanese translations for the unauthorized task error have been improved for accuracy.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Japanese translations on the System setup have been improved for accuracy.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Administrative users are no longer able to start sessions when scenarios are created.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): After clicking Take Monitor Evaluation and Submit evaluation, on-screen confirmation is now shown before a user submits an evaluation.
- Enterprise (User Interface): Updated design of some drop downs to match new patterns.
- Enterprise (Calendar): Double-clicking the Submit button to accept a reservation no longer throws an error.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.27.0
Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Translations): Japan translations for the following pages have been added and/or updated:
- Skills login
- Homepage
- Results page
- Pre-reflection page
- Performance page
- Post-reflection skills submission page
- Observe a peer pop-up
- Scenario overview
- Practice pop-up
April 27, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.95.x
Enterprise with Exam System (Exams Tray App): To minimize stressful situations, we’ve given you the option to either display or not display the timer on the Standardized Patient (SP) workstation for the Encounter and Post-Encounter exam flows.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup - User Maintenance): To save time, we’ve made it possible for System Administrators and Administrators with Create Participant permissions to include the role of a User when importing a User Excel template.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Korean translations have been updated for accuracy.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Interface): Within the Remote Monitor Interface, when viewing rooms, the rooms are now shown side by side so that all feeds can be clearly seen.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Japanese translations for the Calendar and Center Sign in Page have been updated in the System Setup area.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup): We’ve made performance and speed improvements when editing Locations.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting Dashboard): The donut graph is now displaying results for the selected Scenario.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario): Scenario contributor permissions are now saving correctly.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): The order of answers within the Excel export of the Answer Analysis report matches what is seen in the SimCapture Evaluation.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.26.0
Self-record (Skills Self-Record screen): We’ve added a signal strength indicator to the top right corner of the Self-record recording screen.
Bugs Fixed
- Peer-to-Peer (Evaluations): When practicing with a peer and using two devices, upon the submission of an evaluation that contains information, are empty or contain a mix of information and empty questions, the Observer is properly redirected to the Your Scores screen and the Learner is directed to the Scores page.
April 13, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.94.x
Enterprise/Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup - Courses): Now within the Users tab, you’ll be able to click a username and see the Courses that a user is associated with along with the role that the user is assigned for that Course.
- Enterprise (Self-record for SimCapture for Skills - Assignments): When searching for username to assign a task too, the search feature will begin searching for the username once a single character is entered in the search box.
- Enterprise (System Setup - Users): We’ve made performance and speed improvements for importing users and managing course users.
Enterprise (System Setup – Course Permissions): We’ve added additional language to the Courses permission area in System setup that reads “Automatically Give Course View Permission to” and “Please note that this will only apply to newly created courses. Courses which already have been created will not be impacted.”
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (System Setup-User Import): Identical emails and usernames, regardless of casing, will not be imported.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Within the Rotational event modal, when multiple rooms and time slots are configured, the vertical scroll bar is now accessible.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): Additional remote OSCE checks to prevent errors or data loss when recording.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.25.x
Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Scenarios): We’ve made a small change to the item counter and changed it from Item(s) checked to Item(s) Completed.
Bugs Fixed
- Peer-to-Peer (Sessions): Sessions generated via the multi-device Peer-to-Peer flow no longer show a null Session title.
- Peer-to-Peer (Sessions): The Learner name no longer appears blank on the Learner user interface for multi-device peer-to-peer sessions.
- Self-record (Evaluations): Assets are now appearing within completed self-record evaluations.
- Self-record (Courses): Courses are now able to be deleted after a self-record scenario has been used to run sessions.
March 30, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.93.x
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve made load time improvements to the Learner Score Statistics report PDF export.
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve made improvements to the loading speed of reports.
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve improved performance by speeding up the load times of question category score queries.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Adding Learners is now optional when creating an event using the Rotational Scheduling wizard and this will not impact user progress.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Course Scores within the UI have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Learner Score Statistics within the UI have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Scenarios): Printed Scenarios now include all evaluations for the Scenario.
- Enterprise (Reporting): The Learner Score Statistics report correctly counts unanswered questions.
- Enterprise (System Setup-Locations): Double-clicking the save button after adding a Location no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise (System Setup-Locations): Location Based Recordings now unconfigure inputs before configuring a new location.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): When loading, the exam edit flow page now displays one title, the Cancel button and a grayed out Save button until the page is fully loaded.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.24.x
Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Evaluations): When an Administrator creates an evaluation in the evaluation builder, they can now select which questions are required and those questions will appear in the SimCapture for Skills UI. These questions will be indicated by an asterisk and a student will not be able to submit the evaluation without answering the required question.
- Self-record (Evaluations): Session evaluations that are completed by an assigned Scorer are now seen as an Administrator evaluation in the Debrief state.
Bugs Fixed
- Self-record (Scores): We’ve fixed the button at the bottom of scenario pre-reflections to read View Checklist rather than View Post-Reflection.
- Self-record (Evaluations): Administrative users are now able to view completed self-record evaluations but cannot edit them from the My Courses pod.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Evaluations): All evaluation types now show up as expected when SimCapture for Skills scenarios are printed.
March 16, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.92.x
Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): When creating an Exam Flow, Administrative users now have the option to Allow multiple learners to enter the Exam. The addition of this feature streamlines the process for learners by eliminating the need for the learner to select “no” each time they are asked if they would like to login any additional participants. By default, this option is checked if the administrative user does not have editing permissions.
Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface and Remote OSCE Control Interface): Save time with the Skip Already Configured Rooms feature that we’ve added to the Control Interface, Administrative and System Admin users with permissions to administer exams, when configuring an exam room, now have the option to skip already configured rooms.
Enterprise (Evaluations): Administrative users can now exclude comments on PDFs that are generated from completed evaluations. When the Show questions marked as comments option is not selected, questions that are marked as comments are skipped. If the Show questions marked as comments option is selected, the pdf is generated with all questions. This feature still allows students to view the evaluation but removes the risk of including internal comments that aren’t meant for students to view.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Add Hint Text, Multiple Lines Allowed, Character Limit, Mark as Comment, Answer Options Layout, Multiple Answers Allowed, Answer Limit, Randomize Answer Order and Answer Points have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for the Release Scores page have been improved.
- Enterprise (Calendar Translations): French translations for the word “Date” have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Scoring): When a Participant opens a Scoring rubric from their portfolio for the first time, an error no longer appears.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): A warning pops up when a user completes evaluations on an Exam scenario for a session and then changes the scenario.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): A loading indicator has been added to the Participants pod of the Course page.
- Enterprise (Sessions): When navigating from the Calendar page to the Sessions list page, the search placeholder text now shows session instead of reservation.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): We’ve improved performance by speeding up the load times for Course evaluations with scores.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Selecting an evaluation from the evaluation assignment page that is not part of the scenario you selected results in the evaluation automatically being deselected.
- Enterprise (Scenarios): When an attachment is added, users will now see a loading progress bar. Additionally, clicking save after upload brings the user back the Scenario detail page.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Question text within the evaluation builder no longer needs to be saved twice to be searchable using the Global Search feature.
- Enterprise (Courses): The Gradebook exports and Learner Score Statistics User Interface (UI) now display the same results and the UI accounts for all completed evaluations.
- Enterprise (Courses): Course dropdowns now load in LLEAP.
- Enterprise (Users): Including the Middle name in a search for Users now yields results.
- Enterprise and Pro (System Setup): Within the Configuration pod, Locations are now editable.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Courses): When generating a PDF for Course Performance and Learner Statistics report downloads/exports, the confirmation modal is now easier to read.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Interface): When refreshing the page of the Encounter state, video feeds now load.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): The remote single learner login box is now correctly aligned.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): The Exam login button text/icon is no longer visible after the exit animation shows.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.23.x
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Courses): German translations for the Course list page have been improved.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Scoring): German translations for the Score details page have been improved.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Evaluations): German translations for the Evaluations from Score page have been improved.
- Peer-to-Peer (Input Code): German translations for the input code pop-up have been improved.
- Peer-to-Peer (Sessions): German translations for the Session feedback page have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Peer-to-Peer (Scenarios): Percent complete in the Curriculum pod for Peer-to-Peer scenarios is now correct even if Users complete the session multiple times, start over or abandon the session.
- Peer-to-Peer (Scenarios): Peer-to-Peer flows that contain evaluations with only information questions on them and are submitted now show as counting toward the attempt count on the dashboard.
- Self-record (Scenario): When a scorer assignment is reassigned for a self-record session with completed sessions, only evaluations for an unevaluated self-record session are displayed, even if the Scorer was the Evaluator for the completed sessions.
- Self-record (Evaluations): The count of the number of evaluations completed no longer increases if the evaluation is assigned to the same Scorer.
March 2, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.91.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Security Policy): Increased HTTPS Security policy for login screen.
Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Now, when a session is started from outside the Exam System in the dashboard, via ad-hoc or scheduled session and is in-use, the room will be locked, as shown by lock symbol, in the Exam System and no interactions in the room will take place.
Enterprise (Calendar): In our continued efforts to create a user-friendly flow within the User Interface, Administrative users can now copy or delete a reservation directly from the Calendar by clicking the existing reservation and selecting copy or delete.
- Enterprise (Courses): We’ve decreased the load times of the Course Participants pod within Courses to improve performance.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): For ease of use, when assigning Scoring Evaluations, the list of users now shows alphabetically by last name. This alphabetizing feature is also in affect when searching manually for a user.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Evaluation edit question placement have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Assign and Download as Excel buttons have been translated to Korean.
- Enterprise (Translations): The Course > Send Notification feature has been translated to Korean.
- Enterprise (Translations): The Answer Analysis title has been translated to Korean.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Courses): We’ve improved performance by speeding up the load times for the Course performance report.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Within Scoring evaluations, Learner responses are now shown with a darker text for ease of reading.
- Enterprise (Reporting): When exporting the Question Analysis report as a PDF, should no public title be set, the private title of the Course will be displayed.
- Enterprise (Reporting): When applying Scenario filters and then exporting the Question Analysis report as a PDF, the PDF now displays the selected Scenario titles.
- Enterprise (Reporting): When exporting the Question Analysis report as a PDF, the Evaluations field is now displaying a title.
- Enterprise (Reporting): When exporting the Question Analysis report as a PDF, the Participant label is still shown on the report even if a Scenario has no Evaluations tied to it.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Double-clicking Submit after filling out an After-Session evaluation no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Copying a multiple-choice question along with a media file no longer causes an error.
- Enterprise (Sessions): Administrative users can now start a scheduled session from a calendar reservation without issue.
- Enterprise (Courses): Course administrators with Edit Course permissions can now edit scenario details.
- Enterprise (Courses): Administrator users who have both edit and view results permissions can edit completed scoring rubrics.
- Enterprise (System Setup): Scrolling the page after sorting and selecting users by the logged in column no longer results in selected users being duplicated.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.22.x
We will be sunsetting the legacy User Interface of SimCapture for Skills and /PDL URLs will soon redirect to /Skills. This change will not impact performance.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Evaluations): We have implemented a character limit for free text questions within the evaluation builder for SimCapture Skills.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Sessions): For the question boxes within the Session Feedback page, we’ve changed the background to white for ease of copying/pasting text.
February 27, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.91.x Hotfix
- Enterprise Permissions: Resolves an issue with admin users being unable to edit scenarios within courses for which they should have edit permission.
February 16, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.90.x
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve moved the Gradebook report to the new reporting engine to reduce the number of errors that may occur with means and averages.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): When clicking Remote OSCE: Learner or Remote OSCE: Participant, users will now see a message stating “Firefox is not supported for SimCapture Remote OSCE. Please use the Chrome web browser to gain access to the following exams.” Users should then use Chrome instead of Firefox to complete their exams.
Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario): We’ve created new Standalone Scenario evaluations for use in SimCapture Cloud that can also be associated with a Self-Record SimCapture for Skills session. Similar to Course evaluations, Standalone evaluations are associated with a Scenario, are session-less, can be assigned at any time and can have a Scoring rubric.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario): Users can create and assign multiple standalone scenario evaluations within SimCapture Cloud that can also be used with Self-Record SimCapture for Skills sessions.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Evaluation Question Names have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Course agenda, results and attachments have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for the Question Analysis report have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations for Print Evaluation Template have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Incomplete/started evaluations are no longer being included in the scoring report.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): The Confirm button that appears after the submission of a scoring evaluation can now only be clicked once.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): If the Confirm button is double-clicked, evaluations will be submitted successfully.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): Double-clicking Save while filing out a Monitor/Self-record evaluation no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise (Reporting): Released Statistic reports for Courses now shows the correct Mean, Standard Deviation, Category High, and Category Low scores.
- Enterprise (Reporting): The Learner Score statistics, Learner Evaluation statistics and Gradebook reports are now including the “none” question category in the reporting metrics.
- Enterprise (Center Sign-In): Double-clicking the Sign-out icon to sign out a Remote user no longer causes an error.
- Enterprise (Locations): Double-clicking Save while saving a Location no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise (Courses): A loading indicator has been added to the Participants area of the Course page to indicate that Participants are still being loaded to the page.
- Enterprise (Courses): Bulk archiving and activating Courses no longer shows an error.
- Enterprise (Courses): For Enterprise users that do not have Exam System enabled, the Course Monitor field will no longer show in the UI.
- Enterprise (Simulator Graphs): Within LLEAP, paused intervals in BLS data are now showing in the Simulator graphs.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.21.x
Self-record (Scenario): Reassigned self-record scenarios will now show in the Scenario list of the Course and will reflect which number of reassignments the scenario is on.
Self-record and Peer-to-Peer (Scenarios): We’ve updated the Skills UI by removing the box that surrounded Information questions for pre-, post-, and live evaluation types.
- Self-record and Peer-to-Peer (UI Improvements – Text font): Lato font will now show for all text in the Skills UI including, questions, headers, and question and comment box filler text regardless of which font type the User inputs into the Evaluation builder.
- Self-record and Peer-to-Peer (UI Improvements – Course List): We’ve made the following changes to the Course list page in the UI and added a legend to show what the icons mean.
- Added the number of Skills courses a student is in next to “Your Course List”.
- When expanding the Course list, arrows will face down. When collapsing the Course list, the arrows will face up. Additionally, the numerator in the fraction in each Course Title will now show in bold.
- Added a bolded font for self-record tasks that have been submitted or are in-progress and an italicized font for “Assignment Ended”.
- Removed self-record text.
- Added “Attempt” on all self-records to match Peer-to-Peer formatting.
- Added a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Scenario checklist icon to the Scenario/Skill title.
Bugs Fixed
- Self-record (Scenarios): A message now appears asking administrators “Are you sure you want to delete this in-use Self-Record assignment? This will be deleted on all pages.” Before the deletion of an in-use assignment.
- Self-record (Sessions): During session evaluations that are completed by an assigned Scorer, are no longer being seen as administrator evaluation in the Debrief state.
- Self-record and Peer-to-Peer (Evaluations): Within the Evaluation builder, the tool tip for multiple-choice text no longer appears behind the cursor.
- Self-record (Evaluations): A Server error no longer appears when deleting an evaluation that’s been assigned.
February 2, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.89.x
- Enterprise (Reporting): The Question Analysis report can now be printed in PDF format and will include a cover page and evaluation reports for each evaluation.
Enterprise (Evaluations): We’ve added unique identifiers to anonymous scoring rubrics for ease of identification when a user is assigned more than one rubric.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Course page have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Course > Export Course page have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the People and Participant’s tab of a Course have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Course Settings page for Room Setup, Video Deletion Policy, Inventory Required, Takedown Time and Sessions have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Course > Export Course page have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Pre-session Evaluation edit page have been improved.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations of the Pre-session Evaluation Private title and availability area have been improved.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): Korean translations on the Edit Details page of a Course have been improved.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and Pro (Translations): Korean translations have been added to the Print Scenario page.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): System Admin Users and Admins with permissions to administer exams can customize which Control Interface Columns are visible to match the information they need to see. This preference will be saved even if the User logs out.
- Enterprise (Evaluations): For self-record evaluations, we’ve added a tool-tip to Free Text questions to alert Administrative Users that these questions can be released separately from the evaluation.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise (Report Dashboard): Participant score statistics reports will not longer load if they have not been released.
- Enterprise (Calendar): A load indicator has been added to the Calendar so that when clicking a Reservation, the User can see the load status of the page. Additionally, we have improved overall loading times.
- Enterprise (System Setup): An error is no longer shown when adding or updating a user’s avatar.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): When users double-click into an exam, only one request will be sent to process.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): The Honor Code state is now updating on the control interface.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Interface Login Page): When choosing the normal login option instead of the SSO option, the Username field will automatically be in focus.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): Multiple students can now log into an exam without error.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.20.x
Self-record (Scenario): We’ve updated the Last Activity Date column within the Scoring Assignment page so that Administrative Users can see the corresponding status depending on if self-record has been assigned, completed, and if the scorer has been assigned, begun, or completed their evaluation.
Bugs Fixed
- Self-record (Audio Selector): When performing a self-record, the Audio selector now shows the full dropdown of available inputs.
January 19, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.88.x
- Enterprise (Skills Evaluation Builder): We have removed the ability to add multiple lines of text when creating a Free Text question as it does not work well on mobile devices.
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve moved the Admin User view of the Learner Score Statistics report to a new reporting engine for consistency across the platform.
- Enterprise (Reporting): We’ve moved the Participant view of the Learner Evaluation Score Statistics report to a new reporting engine for consistency across the platform.
- Enterprise with Exam System (LLEAP): We’ve made several LLEAP improvements to prevent data from being lost.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Now, when a User submits a self-recorded video via Skills, the video defaults to the Course’s Organization name.
- Enterprise (Translations): Korean translations on the Course page have been improved.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise with Exam System (Tray App): When using Windows, the Exam Tray App will now auto-update.
- Enterprise (Session Viewer): The copy link and open in new tab options are now appearing when the Scenario link is right clicked.
- Enterprise (Reports): For System Admin Users, reports do not render when there is no data.
- Enterprise (Reports): The Course report page no longer shows a console error.
- Enterprise (Reports): For System Admin Users, within Course results, the Learner Score Statistics or Learner Evaluation Score Statistics report loads without error.
- Enterprise (System Setup): Roles for certain Users are now able to be updated.
- Enterprise (Performance): Performance has been improved when pulling inventory items in SimCapture.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.19.x
- (Self-record) Error pages: Users will now see more concise error messages should they encounter an error when using the Skills Self-record feature.
- Peer-to-Peer and Self-record (Skills Evaluation Builder): We have removed the ability to add multiple lines of text when creating a Free Text question as it does not work well on mobile devices.
- Self-record (Sessions): Now, when a User submits a self-recorded video via Skills, the video defaults to the Course’s Organization name.
Bugs Fixed
- Self-record (Assignments): Active self-record assignments now show the chevron icon (>).
January 5, 2023 - SimCapture Cloud - Version 2.87.x
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Live and debrief recorded sessions now show feeds in the correct order and PTZ controls the appropriate feed.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): The remote login Submit button is now disabled after it is clicked once.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Audio Announcements): When editing an exam flow, audio announcements are now able to be deleted if not needed.
- Enterprise (Reporting): Within the Question Analysis Course report, negative point values are now shown in the “No Credit” column.
SimCapture for Skills - Version 1.18.0
Bugs Fixed
- (Peer-to-Peer) Scenario: Video asset previews are now loading as expected on iOS devices.
- (Peer-to-Peer and Self-record) Evaluations: Image formatting shows more clearly when viewing the Skills UI with an iOS or Android device.
- (Peer-to-Peer and Self-record) Scenarios: When clicking the question mark icon, the Hint text is now appearing on new lines within the Skills UI.
- (Peer-to-Peer and Self-record) Scenarios: Background highlighting now appears on feedback pages.
- (Self-record) Evaluations: Hint text that is entered on new lines via the Enter key is now appearing on new lines.