2024 SimCapture Cloud Release Notes
Discover the latest updates and enhancements introduced in the 2024 release of SimCapture Cloud, empowering users with valuable insights into the new features and improvements to optimize their simulation training experience.
Table of Contents
This document contains the complete history of SimCapture Cloud releases from January 2024 to December 2024 with the latest release appearing first.
Should you need help or information about products and services, ordering and shipping, or Laerdal Connect (not available in all markets), click here.
December 19, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.136.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Center Sign-in – Usage Reports): To reduce the number of System Admin users, Admin users with Center Sign-in permissions can now access the Center Sign-in Usage report to analyze Center Sign-in hours.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): When a reservation is denied, both System Administrators and Administrator users can remove the denied event from their calendars.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translation): We have made minor corrections to our German translations and changed “Scorer Assignments” to “Zuweisung Bepunktung.”
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise Pro (Session Activity links): Session activity links now direct Pro users to the regular session viewer.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): Courses with missing validations no longer trigger a 503 error.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario Content): When adding non-Administrative Before/After evaluations to Scenario content, a single line divider now appears.
December 5, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.135.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Inventory Management): We have enabled Inventory Management for all clients. This feature allows you to track the use of capital and consumable inventory throughout your centers and within your simulations. If this has not been enabled on your site, please reach out to Support or your Impact Manager in order to discuss your current inventory in SimCapture.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): Now you can set the Exam Flow timer limit to 4 hours for an encounter and 1 hour for all other timed phases such as Door Note, EMR and Post-Encounter.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Self-Enrollment): Courses that are in Archived or Complete status no longer allow users to update their enrollment status in reservations.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Permissions): Course contributors with appropriate editing permissions can complete another user’s in-progress monitor evaluation when in debrief.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Global Search bar): We’ve made numerous small updates to the Global Search bar on the Home page so that the correct data is shown.
- SimCapture Mobile Record (Reservations): When creating reservations, they are now saved on the SimCapture Mobile Record session start screen.
November 21, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.134.x
- Enterprise and, Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): To help you quickly determine which evaluations are assigned to a Scenario, including Peer-to-Peer, we’ve restyled the Scenario Content pod to ensure that evaluations are grouped by Scenario type.
Scenario type grouping
Editable scenario
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Self-record): Self-record Scorer assignments with completed Evaluations can now be unassigned.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Within the Sessions pod, if there are more than 10 sessions for a specific scenario, a See All Sessions button will appear.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Courses that show the status of In Development can no longer be selected to start an Ad Hoc session.
- Pro (Scenario): Attaching an SCX file to a scenario no longer results in an error and the attachment is saved appropriately.
- Pro (Scenario): When selecting the Notify Admins option, the dialogue box opens, and the appropriate admins are populated.
- Pro (Home/Portfolio screen): We have fixed the typo on that Activity screen and updated Contributora to Contributors.
November 7, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.133.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam flows): We’ve updated the Exam Flow timer to show a maximum time of 4 hours for an encounter and 1 hour for all other timed phases such as door notes, EMR and post-encounter.
- Enterprise and, Enterprise with Exam System (Global Search): Now, quickly and easily find your users using the Global Search bar.

Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and, Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): For an evaluation with questions that allow multiple answers, both the Answer Analysis reports page and downloaded report now show correct values when an evaluation is attempted multiple times.
- Enterprise and, Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): The “Loop” hover detail has been removed from the Inter-rater Consistency report tab.
- Enterprise and, Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario): Configuring a scenario with two standalone evaluations no longer causes an error.
October 23, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.132.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): We’ve made it easier for you to find the Course you need within the Copy EMR workflow by adding a search feature to ensure you find your Course quickly.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): When displaying multiple attempts in the course validation report, the entries will be ordered by submission date. For example, the earliest submission date will be first, and the last submission date will be last etc.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Annotation Library): Uploading annotations from a non-existent session will now show a 404 error.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports): When hovering over the Interrater Consistency Report tab, the word “loop” is no longer visible.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): Course dropdown is no longer greyed out when a Sys Admin user updates a reservation with a Course.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario – Before Session EMRs): Before Session EMRs added to Scenarios that have existing reservations now display in the participants portfolio.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Course administrators who do not have editing permissions can no longer add questions to nor access the page to configure questions with a Course.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Course administrators who do not have editing permissions cannot access additional pages within a Course.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Annotations added to a session are now visible within the Event log view and show the time that annotations were added. These are editable as well.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario – Evaluation pod): The point values for scoring rubrics within evaluations now line up correctly.
October 10, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.131.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS): Now, when syncing LMS-linked courses in SimCapture, course titles are not repeated with additional syncs and evaluations that are deleted from SImCapture are not deleted from the LMS.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): When disabling and re-enabling exam flow options, timers that have been set, for example at 5:00 will not revert to the default time of 1:00.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Question Categories): For efficiency, the Question Library now allows you to select and add multiple questions at once to evaluations.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Annotation Library): The Click to Edit button now allows you to edit and make deletions.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Adding a reservation with inventory without initially selecting a scenario no longer causes a 400 error to appear after updating the reservation with a scenario.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Scenario): The back to Course link is now clickable with shortcuts such as by using the spacebar or enter key of your keyboard.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Course Admin): When performing a search, Course administrator users will now see results when multiple courses are configured.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): When an exam or non-exam session has been run with a specific course participant, the user assigned to label now shows as Participant (self) instead of All Course Participants.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Support staff and Faculty are included within the reservation count report.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Global Search): Duplicate evaluation results are not returned when the search query matches multiple questions within the same evaluation.
September 26, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.130.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course - Scenario): To enhance user experience and prevent accidental loss of unsaved work, we have implemented a confirmation message when users attempt to cancel or navigate away from editing a new Scenario page without saving.

- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): We’ve added the missing evaluation labels for Monitor and Exam EMR evaluation templates. Additionally, you will now see partially complete evaluations as well as evaluations with multiple attempts.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (EMR): When copying an EMR from a Scenario that contains multiple EMR templates, users can now select individual templates from a dropdown list.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Japanese): We’ve made some updates and changed Curriculum or Curriculums to プログラム
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): The For Missing Evaluation column now aligns with the User Assigned To column.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): We’ve updated our labeling for the Course Validation Evaluations. For more information, please see Course validation report.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): Evaluations are no longer displayed as missing if the Exam was run even if the evaluation was not filled out.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Validation): The overall User Assigned To count now shows the number of unique labels and not the number of unique assignments.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): Setup and take down time now defaults to zero to allow the event to be saved when accepting a reservation request that has been changed.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting – Question Category): If a question category passing cut off is set to zero, it will not display in the course details to reduce clutter.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (New Exam Flow - EMR): Exam EMR toggle no longer controls the post-encounter toggle.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Before Session EMRs): Before Session EMRs that are added to a Scenario with an existing event reservation scheduled now display in participant portfolio.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubrics): Administrative users can now complete scoring rubric evaluations if the evaluation has been assigned to them.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS – LTI tool): When an administrative user selects the LTI tool of an already linked LMS course, they are redirected to the administrator page.
- Pro, Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Question Library): Only one “Add” button appears when one question is added. For multiple questions, the “Add” button appears at the top and bottom of the page.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (SimCapture Mobile Camera app): Mobile only users can now register simulators without a recording device.
September 12, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.129.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve made a small but significant change to the user interface by adding more spacing between the names of multiple session evaluations to make the titles of the evaluation easier to read.

- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow Editor): A small update has been made so that when a post-encounter is toggled on, a single selected evaluation can be quickly identified as active and disabled instead of being toggled off.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS): We’ve removed archived courses as a dropdown option from the LMS linking page.

- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS): We've made some updates to our LMS feature so that when an administrative user selects the LTI tool of an already linked LMS course, they are redirected from their LMS to either the SimCapture course page if they have permissions to view that course, or the main SimCapture dashboard if they do not. Participants will always be directed to the main SimCapture dashboard.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup - Locations): We’ve corrected the typo in the warning message that appears when attempting to add a child location to an exam room so that it now reads “Locations that are exam rooms cannot have child locations”.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Locked Curriculum): Locked evaluations that are copied into unlocked scenarios no longer display the locked scenario warning message.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Administrative users can no longer start sessions from locations that are not part of their organization.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Session participants can no longer see set up and tear down times on the participant calendar page.
August 29, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.128.x
We are excited to invite our Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System clients to participate in our beta program for Course Validation. This new feature lets Course administrators validate the completion of Course, Scenario, Monitor and Admin evaluations as well as Scoring rubrics that are associated to a participant before releasing all scores to the student.
Note: Currently, we only display Missing Evaluations (evaluations not started or never assigned) as part of the beta program. |
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow Editor): A small but significant update has been made so that when a post-encounter is toggled on, a single selected evaluation can be quickly identified as active and disabled from being toggled off.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Create User): We’ve redesigned the Add New User page with modern styling and usability features to make it easier for you to work with.

Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Korean): Within System Setup, we’ve translated the following password items:
- Session Time out After Inactivity: 비활성 후 세션 시간 초과 -> 유휴 세션 시간 제한
- (Description) 일정 기간동안 장기간 미사용 시 사용자를 자동으로 로그아웃 하기 전에 유휴 상태를 지속하는 시간을 지정합니다.
- Time Before Idle Warning: 유휴 경고 전 시간 -> 로그아웃 전 경고 메시지 표시 시간
- Incorrect Attempts Allowed Before Lockout: 잠금 전에 잘못된 시도가 허용됨 -> 로그인 허용 횟수
- (Description) 사용자 계정을 잠그기 전 실패한 로그인 시도 횟수를 지정합니다.
- Lockout Time After Max Attempts: 최대 시도 후 잠금 시간 -> 계정 잠금 시간
- (Description) 로그인 시도 횟수를 초과한 후 사용자 계정을 잠그는 기간을 지정합니다.
- Password Policy: 비밀번호 정책 -> 암호 정책
- Password Expiration: 비밀번호 만료 -> 비밀번호 만료기간
- (Description) 주기적인 비밀번호 변경을 위해 유효한 최대 일수를 지정합니다.
- Session Time out After Inactivity: 비활성 후 세션 시간 초과 -> 유휴 세션 시간 제한
- Weak: 문자, 숫자 및 특수문자로 조합할 수 있습니다.
- Medium: (최소 8자) 하나 이상의 대문자, 소문자 및 숫자를 포함해야합니다.
- Strong: (최소 10자) 하나 이상의 대문자, 소문자, 숫자 및 특수문자를 포함해야합니다.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Reservations): Reservation start dates and time fields are no longer overlapping after selecting Accept with Change.
- Pro and Enterprise (Exams): The Make Exam Room option no longer is available for Pro and Enterprise users.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam-Scenario): Exam scenarios no longer show the Recording Off icon within the exam flow pod.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam-Scenario): The Student Driven toggle now remains on when toggling between proctor and system automated exam flows.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (EMR – Before and After Session): Now, when unchecking the parent evaluation, the scoring rubric is also removed.
- SimCapture Mobile Record (Sessions): An error no longer occurs when stopping a session that is tied to a scenario that contains a post-session evaluation.
August 15, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.127.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): As we continue to add Exam Flow customization, you will begin to see a redesign of the exam flow customization page which will allow you to quickly see your information. We look forward to providing you with new exam editor features now and in the future.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario – Exam Flow): We have re-styled and updated the Exam Flow Pod on the Scenario home page to provide better at-a-glance information to users and create a modern look and feel.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluation - EMR): Before and After EMR evaluations will be going live for all users and the following issues with these evaluations have been resolved:
Before and After EMRs in Copied Scenarios
- Are not replicated when in copied Scenarios.
- An error is shown when copying a Scenario that includes a Before or After EMR.
Scoring Rubrics for Before and After EMRs
- When first attempting to access these Scoring rubrics, a 401 error is thrown in the browser.
- While completing a Scoring rubric that is associated with a Before and After EMR, the show video option does not show video.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup - Locations): Now, system administrators can restrict access to recording locations via organizations thereby allowing privacy of recordings within different departments. System administrators will be exempt from this restriction.

- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): Recording indicator lights will now remain gray during the encounter phase when an encounter has a disabled recording. However, the room background will advance/change to red as expected.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Audio Messages): When setting up Audio messages, only the following 15 MB file types are accepted:
- .mp3
- .adts
- .flax
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubric - Translations): Scoring rubric titles is now consistently localized.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course Reports): We’ve corrected the report so that the passing cutoff now applies the question category filters.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Reservations): Event goals and administrative notes on reservation requests now render line breaks correctly.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario – Video Deletion Policy): The Scenario Video Deletion policy is no longer being reset when Scenario settings are saved.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubric): An error is no longer thrown when bulk assigning a scoring evaluation to a scorer that belongs to a different organization than the learner and owner.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (SimCapture Mobile Camera app): Clicking feed toggles multiple times before the feed loads will now only result in one feed being loaded instead of multiple feeds being loaded.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (SimCapture Patient Monitor Capture): When beginning a Mobile Camera session with a Patient Monitor Capture feed, the Patient Monitor Capture feed appears and continues to update.
August 1, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.126.x
We are excited to invite our Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System clients to participate in our opt-in beta program for Before and After session EMRs. These EMR formatted evaluations are just like the Before and After session evaluations you are accustomed to and allow for optional scoring rubrics to be associated.
These new evaluation types enable our EMR functionality for all non-exam Scenario types.
For more information about participating in the beta, please contact Support or your Impact Manager.
During the BETA, there are a few known issues, which we are working to resolve. These issues are:
Before and After EMRs in Copied Scenarios
Scoring Rubrics for Before and After EMRs
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluation – EMR): We’ve made a small update and changed “EMR” to “Exam EMR” to help avoid any confusion between this and “Before/After Session EMR.”
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenario – EMR - BETA): To realize a score when using non-exam scenario EMR’s, a scoring rubric will need to be associated with it. This association will impact the following reports:
- Gradebook
- Learner Score Statistics
- Learner Evaluation Statistics
- Cross Course
- Mean and Standard deviation
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions – EMR - BETA): Now, completed and previously interacted with Before Session EMR evaluations can be received by participants once released by an administrative user.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions – EMR - BETA): Session videos can be added to After Session EMR evaluations with the click of a button. This is like the After Session Evaluation Scoring rubric.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS): Our LMS banner now fits all screen sizes.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Non-Exam EMRs - BETA): Non-exam EMRs are not included in the Exam Flow details pod content column badge count.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (EMRs): EMRs and free text comments within the evaluation do not display passing or “not a passing score” as EMRs have no point value.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (LMS): We've corrected a bug which did not allow Moodle to appropriately sync courses and users.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): Learners are now able to progress to exam after logging in post-closing an active web tab.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): Live sessions no longer end without being initiated from the SimCapture UI and post session evaluations are assigned if an exam is stopped via task manager or another error.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): When remote login and advanced from control is used, the current exam state now shows along with stating that the Honor Code is still being displayed to the user
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Self-enrollment): When copying a reservation with eligible participants from the calendar view, the participants can be included in the copied event.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – New reservations): Page breaks are now considered within public notes.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Rotational scheduling): The Learner field within Rotational scheduling is now a searchable, single-select field.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (SimCapture Mobile Camera app and Patient Monitor Capture): Uploading sessions into the SimCapture Mobile Camera app and Patient Monitor Capture no longer results in an error tile showing on the dashboard of your SimCapture organization.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Center Sign-In): The Center Sign-In kiosk is now displaying the login screen to allow for remote user log in.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Release Scores): A small update has been made to the Delete button on the Release Scores page.
July 3, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.125.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (Inventory Management – BETA – Opt-in only): Our new Inventory Management feature allows you to track the use of capital and consumable inventory throughout your centers and within your simulations. Please contact Support at simcapturesupport@laerdal.com or your Impact Manager to enable this new and exciting feature!
- Enterprise with Exam System (Navigation): We’ve made it as easy as clicking a button, or in this case, a logo, for Exam System administrators to navigate back to the SimCapture dashboard. Now, when in the exam system area, just click the SimCapture logo located at the top left of the page to quickly and easily be returned to your dashboard.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Beta Exam Flow Redesign): We’ve updated the look and feel of the Phases column of the Scenario home page in our exam flow pod so that Learner and/or patient evaluations show as indented below Post Encounter when selected thereby making it easier to identify and interact with Evaluation assignments.

- Enterprise with Exam System (Beta Exam Flow Redesign): Continuing our efforts with the Exam Flow redesign, we’ve updated the Content column on the Scenario home page so that a plus (+) sign appears when no Evaluation is assigned, BUT an Evaluation is expected. Adding an evaluation to an Evaluation capable phase will change the plus (+) button to a numeric value representing the number of evaluations assigned to that phase.

- Enterprise with Exam System (Beta Exam Flow Redesign): We’ve also replaced the Recorded column in the Exam Flow pod on the Scenario home page with a Configuration column which contains icons representing different exam phase specific settings. These icons are:

- Graduation cap = Student/Proctor driven.
- Double arrow pointing to the right (> >) = Auto-advanced setting selected.
- Camera icon = Appears when recording is toggled “on”/enabled.
- Camera icon with line through it = Appears when recording is toggled “off.”
June 20, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.124.x
Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): We’ve updated the look and feel of our exam flow pod to offer a better user experience for our users. This feature is currently in Beta. Please reach out to your Impact Manager if interested.

Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): Now, when open in edit mode, all phases on the exam flow page auto-expand to provide a seamless experience when it comes to editing.

June 12, 2024 – Learning Management system integration: Course and participant management
SimCapture can now integrate with your Learning Management system! This will allow you to send Course and Participant information from your LMS to SimCapture. View information about Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle or a generic LMS configuration.
June 6, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.123.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Now, when exporting raw data from the calendar, you’ll see a Support Staff column which includes all support staff listed in the reservation within the exported Excel sheet.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): Within the exported raw data from the calendar, you’ll also see the addition of a Total Reservation Time column which displays the time in hours and minutes. Additionally, the start/end time and date is shown next to the Total Reservation Time column within the exported Excel sheet.

Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar): We’ve made some updates to the column order and titles in the calendar raw export.
- Column A = Course
- Column B = Scenario
- Column C = Reservation Title
- Column D = Start Date & Time
- Column E = End Date & Time
- Column F = Total Reservation Time
- Column G = Setup Time
- Column H = Breakdown Time
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Korean): We’ve improved the Korean translation of the following words/phrases within the downloaded Gradebook report for Reports in a Course:
- Gradebook: 성적부 -> Gradebook
- Select options for download: 다운로드 옵션을 선택하십시오 -> 다운로드 옵션 선택
- Show point values 점수 표시 -> 점수(Point)로 표기
- 백분율 값 표시 -> 백분율(%)로 표기
Within the downloaded Gradebook report for Reports in a Course > Evaluations:
- Answer display type: 답변 표시 유형 -> 답안 표시 유형
- Point values: 포인트 가치 -> 점수(Point)
- Text: 본문 - > 문자(Text)
- Free Text: 텍스트 입력 -> 주관식
- Do not include: 포함하지 마십시오 -> 미포함
- Multiple Choice: 다중 선택 -> 복수 응답
- Show as text: 텍스트로 표시 -> 문자(Text)로 표기
- Show as number: 숫자로 표시 -> 숫자로 표기
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Korean): We’ve improved the Korean translation of the following words/phrases within the SimCapture for Skills report:
- Count of SimCapture for Skills Sessions by Type of Practice: 실습 유형별 SimCapture for Skills 세션 수 -> 연습 유형 별 SimCapture for Skills 세션 수
- By Type of Practice: 진료 유형 별 -> 연습모드 유형 별
- Self-Practice: 자가 연습 -> 혼자서 연습
- Peer-to-Peer: 동료연습(Peer to Peer) -> 동료와 연습
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Video Trimming): Trimming a Follow-up recording will no longer trim the Encounter recording.
May 23, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.122.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam): We’ve improved our single logout feature when using a learner station and an encounter is stopped.
- Enterprise with Exam System (System Settings > Audio Announcements): Now you can upload an audio file as an audio announcement to allow you to use a different voice, combine sounds and voice, and offer the announcement in different languages.

Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Japanese): We’ve improved the Japanese translation of the following words/phrases:
- Viewer or Viewers to 閲覧のみ
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): A newly redesigned Exam flow editor is now in BETA! This keeps all your current Enterprise + Exam flow features enabled but allows for easier navigation and clearer representation of the exam to be run. Please reach out to SimCapture Support or your Impact Manager to learn more about this feature and to enable this to provide feedback to our Product Team.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Sessions): Exam sessions are now being created when the room is advanced by the control interface even if no recording device is present.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Sessions): If a recording device goes offline, which causes an exclamation point to appear in the control interface, and the room is reconfigured while in that state, the exclamation point will persist to give awareness that an issue still exists with that recording device, whereas before reconfiguring would clear the error while not resolving the error.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Timer): We’ve reformatted our time to display minutes and seconds correctly. For example, 90:00 minutes now shows as 1:30:00.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Evaluation): When debriefing an ad hoc session which uses an exam flow Scenario, users will no longer encounter an error when attempting to complete a monitor evaluation.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): Control interface action buttons are now grouped and included in a dropdown element when using smaller screen sizes, whereas before some would be cut off/fail to resize.

SimCapture Mobile Camera app – Version 1.1
We’ve implemented the Support Staff functionality which allows you to create reservations using the Mobile Camera app location, add support staff members and have them be displayed as Contributors once the session is started.
May 9, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.121.x
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Japanese): We’ve improved the Japanese translation of the following words/phrases:
- Curriculum or Curriculums to プログラム
- Updated “Viewers” in the Scenario People tab from 視聴者 to 閲覧のみ
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Korean): We’ve improved the Korean translation of the following words/phrases:
- Peer to Peer: from 피어 투 피어 to 동료연습
- Self - record: from 자기 기록 to 셀프레코딩
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Settings – Global Auto Deletion): Newly created scenarios are no longer defaulting to a deletion of none and are instead adopting the global deletion policy as designed.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations): We’ve translated the following phrases from the Locked User details area:
- As a result of integration, this user is managed within your Learning Management System (LMS).
- This contact has been locked from editing.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (SimCapture for Skills): Line breaks, shown as <br/> no longer appears in translated text.
SimCapture Patient Monitor Capture app – Version 1.1
We now offer the Patient Monitor Capture app in the following supported languages:
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Dutch (Netherlands)
- French (France)
- German (Germany)
- Italian (Italy)
- Japanese (Japan)
- Korean (South Korea)
- Polish (Poland)
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Russian (Russia)
- Spanish (Spain)
April 24, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.120.x
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Settings): We’ve updated our user interface to make it more accessible for all users. Found under the user drop down menu, you’ll be able to set your preference for animation timing. This will allow users who are affected by on-screen motion more control over what they see.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Question Categories): We’ve made updates to Question Categories so that they can no longer have duplicate names thereby making your information clear and easy to understand.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): We’ve improved load speeds/time for course evaluations.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Scheduling): Now, to save time, you can hover over your scheduled reservation to view additional information of Facilitators and Participants within the hover state.

- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Settings): We’ve added a dynamic grid to our IP video feed page within system settings to offer a wider range of visibility regardless of monitor screen size.
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Japanese): We’ve improved the Japanese translation of the following words/phrases:
- Participant/Participants
- Encounter/Encounters
- Export Schedule
- “About” under System Setup
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Korean): We’ve improved the Korean translation of the following words/phrases:
- Copy (generic use)
- Password (generic use)
- Calendar Page > Add Reservation
- Calendar Page > Export Schedule
- Calendar Page > Print Schedule
- Calendar Page > Export Raw Data
- System Setting > Auto Deletion policy
- Start New Session > Start Ad-hoc Session
Bugs Fixed
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Translations - Japanese): We’ve fixed the following translated areas within System Settings:
- Users
- Center Sign-In
- Setup Exams
- Exam Permissions
SimCapture Mobile Camera app – Version 1.1
Bugs Fixed
- We've fixed a small bug so that now all users can end a Mobile Camera session.
April 11, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.119.x
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Paging): Now, when a paging connection is already opened by another user, an error message will display on the banner that reads “Creating the paging connection unexpectedly failed. Please refresh and try again in a few minutes. If the issue persists, please contact support.”
Bugs Fixed
Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Rotational Event): When adding breaks to rotational events, the last event on the calendar is no longer deleted.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): Upon exporting evaluations where questions have apostrophes, the apostrophe now renders correctly.
- Enterprise, Enterprise with Exam System and SimCapture for Skills (Scoring - Releasing Scores): When questions are unanswered, the word “unanswered” will now appear in between the question and the answer if the user selected no answer for that question.

- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): We’ve aligned the Add Follow Up button within the Edit Exam Flow view.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exams): Patient-only participants no longer see the dashboard link Remote Exam: Learner.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Session Viewer): PTZ presets are no longer blocked by the annotation button.
SimCapture Mobile Camera app – Version 1.0.1
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (PMC App): Within System Setup > Mobile Camera area, we’ve added a button so that users can download the PMC (Patient Monitor Capture) app. For more information see SimCapture Mobile Camera app.

March 28, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.118.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses): Administrative users can now see the public title of Courses by clicking the gear icon and selecting Public Title to add that column into the Course table.

- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Users): To save valuable time while bulk editing users, you can now add multiple users to any organization(s) you choose with just a few clicks. For more information, see SimCapture Cloud Enterprise and Pro: How to work with users and user filters.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Course – Peer-to-Peer Scenario): When trying to remove a user from an in-progress course, a warning will appear signaling that the user is associated to the session and that removing the user from the course will delete all Peer-to-Peer sessions in which the user was a learner.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Scenarios): Audio announcements are now able to be updated when a reservation is associated with an exam scenario.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Scoring Rubrics): Standardized patients (SP), who are participants are now able to see Scoring rubrics and can score them.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Audio Announcements): Audio announcements can be edited after Sessions have been created in a Scenario where audio announcements were previously configured.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Rotational Events): Multiple time slots can now be seen clearly when scheduling an event with more than one time entry.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Permissions - Standardized Patients): Standardized patients (SP) users can no longer view the Learner link when using remote exams.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Permissions - Standardized Patients): When using the Allow all SPs to monitor feature, SPs can now complete the scoring evaluation.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Permissions - Participants): Participant users who are Monitors are now able to complete scoring rubrics.
Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Users): When using Shift + Click, only the users which are between the beginning and end of the list will be selected.
March 14, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.117.x
- Enterprise - SimCapture for Skills (Reporting): We are pleased to announce the availability to all SimCapture for Skills Utilization Reporting. Located within reports just below the Center Sign-In Hours report tab, the Skills Utilization report allows admin users to see the amount of Peer to Peer, Self-record and Self-learning sessions taken. This information can be filtered by Combined Sessions or by type of practice. (Self-Practice, Peer to Peer or Self-record). Additionally, the table below the graph shows the Course and Scenario breakdown of these sessions.
By Combined Sessions

By Type of Practice

- Enterprise with Exam System (Scenarios - Exam Flow): We’ve made updates to allow you to add titles and descriptions to new scenarios when creating an exam flow that includes a standardized patient.

Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup-Mobile Camera): Within the Mobile Camera area of System Settings, all columns now sort properly.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Evaluations): When exporting an evaluation to pdf, information text formatting displays properly on the pdf.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Control Interface): Within the control interface, you will now see a Help Link within the User Profile dropdown as well as a profile image of the user.

- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): When configuring multiple rooms with the same course/scenario using the Save and next feature, you are now able to reconfigure any of those rooms with a different course/scenario without affecting any other configured room.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Control Interface): Once the auto log out time has passed, all users, including those logged in by an administrative user, will be logged out.
- Enterprise - SimCapture for Skills (Utilization report - Pagination): When filtering by rows, the correct pagination will now show at the bottom of the screen.
Enterprise - SimCapture for Skills (Utilization report – Time zone): Once regional time zones are set in System Settings, the Skills Utilization report now follows these settings.
February 29, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.116.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (Learner Exam Interface): We’ve introduced a Single Log Out (SLO) for sites where SSO is enabled. This feature will ensure users are fully logged out from the Identity Provider System when their exam session ends. Note: We have turned off this feature for all users to make some fixes. Once these fixes are complete, we will turn this back on.
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar - Filters): Additional filters have been added to Calendar reporting to allow for a more concise report should it be needed.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting): We’ve improved load time, added better load indicators, and corrected page flickering within reports. You may notice that the URL looks different, but performance remains the same.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Settings): We’ve added a dynamic grid to our Recording device page within system settings to offer a wider range of visibility regardless of monitor screen size.
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Encounters Report): We’ve fixed the Encounters report so that it no longer over counts.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Interface): When changing from split-view (video/eval) to evaluation-only view, the timer and exam state information is visible.
SimCapture Mobile Camera app – Version 1.0.1
We are happy to announce the new SimCapture Mobile Camera app! The SimCapture Mobile Camera app turns your mobile device into a portable audio and video system for recording and live streaming simulation sessions through a SimCapture Cloud domain. For more information, see our SimCapture Mobile Camera app article.
Core features
- Pair up to four iOS or Android device with your SimCapture Cloud account in your system settings.
- Use those devices as an alternative to hardware cameras to live-stream sessions to SimCapture Cloud anywhere with internet access.
- Session annotation and debrief are available for Mobile Camera sessions from within the SimCapture cloud interface.
- Mobile Camera is compatible with starting sessions in LLEAP.
February 15, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.115.x
Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): As part of a redesign, we’ve updated the look and feel of the Scenario requirement labels, repositioned the Cancel and Save buttons and horizontally aligned the Exam States Advancement and Audio & User Settings areas, while also increasing the screen width.
Before – Scenario Requirements and Cancel/Save button.

After – Scenario Requirements and Cancel/Save button.

Before – Exam states advancement and Audio & user settings.

After – Exam states advancement and Audio & user settings.

Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): As another part of our redesign, we’ve updated the following labels and selection button text:
- Audio & user settings > Audio and User Settings
- Proctor or student driven > Proctor or Student Driven
- Select your exam components > Select your Exam Phases
- Exam states advancement > Exam Phases Advancement
Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Permissions): Archived or completed courses will no longer allow the course contributor with start and join permissions to start a session.
Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar Reservations): Reservations that are denied are still viewable on the Sys Admin and Administrative user’s calendars.
Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (SSO): SSO no longer fails when md (MD) is used as a prefix when logging in.
February 1, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.114.x
- Enterprise with Exam System (SP Chat): We’re rolling out a new chat feature for standardized patients (SP) to make it easy for them to communicate with the proctor or monitor. For more details, visit SimCapture Cloud Enterprise: Standardized patient (SP) chat.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): Control Interface Administrators can now monitor rooms regardless of their course or monitor permissions. This allows the user who controls the flow of the room, exam, users, etc., the ability to view what is going on in all rooms.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Exam Flow): We’ve increased the maximum encounter time from 59 minutes to four (4) hours to allow users to run more complex interactions that might take longer than an hour to complete within an exam room.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Participants): When using the search feature to find a course participant, the participants will show in alphabetical order.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Self-enrollment): We’ve updated the wording of the hover state for users of self-enrolled events from ‘Deadline’ to ‘Next Available.’

Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Courses - Locked Content): Scoring rubrics copied from locked scenarios for non-standardized patient (SP) scenarios no longer remain locked.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Settings - Locations): Locations that are archived will not show as options when creating sessions or reservations.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Room Configuration): When configuring multiple rooms and then changing the scenario, the scenario change will be applied to all rooms. Note: This applies only when using the Save and Next feature.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): When reconfiguring rooms using the ‘save & next’ with different scenarios, the standardized patient (SP) list now matches the chosen scenario.
Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Standardized Patient (SP) Chat): SP chat now minimizes automatically during encounters and follow-ups.
January 18, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.113.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Question Library – Scenarios and Evaluations): We’ve created a Question library that allows administrative users, who have access to courses, to access scenarios and evaluations to select questions to import into a current evaluation.

- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Control Interface): We’ve made some updates to the Control Interface that will allow users to refresh in the event of an error.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Sessions): We’ve made it possible for administrative users to “lock” sessions to prevent deletion by both automatic (Global and Scenario deletion policies) or manual action (individual session deletion of bulk session deletion).

Bugs Fixed
- Enterprise with Exam System (Remote OSCE): The remote OSCE icon stays visible until the room is not in use.
- SimCapture for Skills (Peer to Peer and Self-Practice: Utilization Report): Number of learners and observers will no longer be repeated.
- Enterprise with Exam System (Usage Report): The usage report title for Recorded Hours now reads correctly.
January 9, 2024 – SimCapture Cloud – Version 2.112.x
- Enterprise and Enterprise with Exam System (Reports - Courses): We’ve added a dropdown selection of students within the courses section of the Reporting Dashboard to make it easier for administrative users to see course scores for more than one learner without leaving the page.

Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Reporting - Usage): To make the data of Usage reports clearer, we’ve added titles and subtitles to the following pages within reporting to show how the data is calculated:
- Number of Sessions – Title: Number of Sessions; Subtitle: Count of Each Sessions Run Between Two Dates.
- Learner Contact Hours – Title: Learner Contact Hours; Subtitle: Number of Sessions Multiplied by Number of Participants.
- Recorded Hours – Title: Recorded Hours; Subtitle: Sum of Session Times
- Annotations – Title: Annotations; Subtitle: Count of Annotation Usage
- Center Sign-in Hours – Title: Center Sign In Hours; Subtitle: Sum of Time Signed in Using Center Sign In.
- Pro, Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Bulk Importing): When bulk importing users, a note will appear at the top of the Import Users page as a reminder that the number of users that can be imported at any one time is 100.

Bugs Fixed
- SimCapture Pro (Reports - Annotation): Filtering by scenario now shows the correct count of annotations in the graph.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Video Trimming): External links for trimmed sessions will only show the time for the trimmed session rather than the full original runtime.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Calendar – Rotation Event): You can now proceed to the encounter step when editing a new rotational event to add a break between events.
- Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (System Setup – Recording devices): All devices will now appear when exporting the list in Excel.
Enterprise, and Enterprise with Exam System (Monitor Interface): A banner will display offering to refresh should the monitor interface lose connection. Upon refresh, evaluations will be saved and progress will not be lost.