May 2017 - SimCapture On-Premise Version 5.8.4
The complete history of the SimCapture On-Premise 5.8.4 release
Table of Contents
We are happy to bring you these new releases and always want to hear what you have to say! Any feedback is welcome, and we encourage you to contact our support team with any of your comments or questions. They can be reached at or 877-LAERDAL.
This article contains the complete history of the SimCapture On-Premise 5.8.4 release including any LLEAP releases, hardware, and security updates.
Release version 5.8.4
Laerdal Medical is happy to announce the release of SimCapture version 5.8.4. This latest version includes some exciting new enhancements to our Center Sign-In functionality plus further localization of our software for the market in Spain.
For more information about upgrading your system to SimCapture 5.8.4, please contact our support team via email at or call 877-LAERDAL. Previous release notes, documentation, and further updates can be found on the Laerdal Medical Customer Solution Center.
Feature highlights
Integrate center sign-in with scheduling
Last year, we released our free Center Sign-In module to help center administrators better track the time that learners, SPs, or anyone important were in the center. We received some great feedback from our customers about making this better, and the result is our new Scheduling Integration. The new integration will provide a more professional workflow and experience for center users while providing center administrators with a faster way to start sessions and more robust attendance reporting functionality.
- Reduce the time and effort put forth by the center management staff to direct Students and SP to the proper rooms.
- Center attendees will get information on where to go and when their event starts, which will help the center to start events on time.
- Provide the center management staff the ability to look at their upcoming scheduled events and see exactly which students or SPs are currently in the center.
- Allows for proactive decisions and changes in case of late arrivals or no-shows.
- Verify full attendance for an upcoming event and then use the start session shortcut to get the event started quickly.
- New Attendance reports will provide center administrators with details on late or no-show participants so proper action can be taken.
- Cleaned up Center Sign-In Admin interface to make it easier to see who is inside the center.
Does not include
- Does not support shortcuts to starting sessions in CCM.
Feature details
- Added course and event data to the Center Sign-In Administration Screens
- Added a new Center Sign-In Admin Page for Scheduled Events
- Displays all of the current events for the day, including the number of participants scheduled for the event and the number of scheduled participants currently in the center.
- Selecting an event will show a list of all the scheduled participants and their sign-in time if they are currently in the center.
- When an event is almost ready to begin, a center admin will see a shortcut in the event detail pop-up to direct them to the Start\Join Session screen.
- If a singular SimCapture is associated with an event, it will automatically select that SimCapture and take them to the start session configuration screen.
- If not, the user is taken to the SimCapture selection screen, which you usually see after selecting the Start\Join Session option from the home screen.
- Includes sorting and user searching functionality
- Added new Attendance Reports
- Users can run a series of reports that will show by event which participants were on-time, late, or a no-show.
- Users can run an overview report that will show the number of on-time, late, or no-show participants for numerous events.
- Usage > [Add Filter] > Attendance
- Summary – All Events
- Report displays the total number of on-time, late, and no-shows for a group of events.
- No-Show by Event
- Report displays by event participants associated with an event but did not sign-in into the center.
- Late by Event
- Report displays by event participants associated with an event but who signed in after the event is scheduled to begin.
- Summary by Event
- Report displays by the event which participants were on-time, late, or did not show.
- Summary – All Events
- Usage > [Add Filter] > Attendance
- Redesigned and improved the Center Sign-In Kiosk Screen
- On login, each user will see the Active Event they are scheduled for.
- The active event can be an event that has started already, or that is starting shortly.
If it is starting soon, it will show them how many minutes until it starts (Customize with the help of SimCapture Support Team)
If it has already started, it will show that this event is "In-Progress" for a set amount of time (Customize with the help of SimCapture Support Team)
- Active event info will include course, event title, event description, and location.
- The active event can be an event that has started already, or that is starting shortly.
- If a user has more than one event scheduled for the day, they will see an itinerary with all the events listed below the Active Event.
- An itinerary will include past, current, and future events for the day.
- Displays a max of 6 events
- On login, each user will see the Active Event they are scheduled for.
Module requirements
- Scheduling
- The scheduling module must be turned on to see the new Events Page for Center Sign-In Admin.
- Courses
- If you do not have the course module, the course column will be hidden from the Events and User Pages for Center Sign-In Administration.
Configuration details
New configurations for the Center Sign-In Kiosk Page
Core Time in MS that a user's scheduled events for the day are shown after the user logs in
Default 3000. -
Core Range of minutes after a reservation's start time in which the In Progress badge will show up after logging a relevant user in via the center sign-in kiosk
Default 15. -
Core Range of minutes before a reservation start time in which the Up Next in X minutes badge will show up after logging a relevant user in via the center sign-in kiosk
Default 30.
Set passing cutoff scores for question categories
Many clients requested the ability to set a passing cutoff score based on specific question categories. Currently, the system only allows for an overall cutoff score to be set at the course level.
Clients required the ability to set cutoff scores by question category to ensure grading continuity.
Existing reports provided pass\fail language per question category, but they utilized the system defaults.
- Clients can now customize those cutoff scores in all reports.
- Similar to Clinical Skills, the cutoff scores can be set retroactive to the course curriculum being completed.
- Allows for edits and changes without affecting the actual scores.
Does not include
The weighting of scores is based on the question category.
Things to remember
Running reports that combine data for multiple courses containing different cutoff scores will result in the system using the default cutoff scores.
- Default Cutoff Scores - 60% or 1 STDEV
Feature details
Course summary screen
- Generate a unique list of question categories based on the curriculum for that course.
- Cutoff Scores for each question category are left blank until filled in by the user.
- Check that each question category has a valid cutoff value when saving the course summary page.
- Numbers only
- Up to 4 decimal places
- Our current reports already show a cutoff score for question categories, but they are set to the default for each type (Standard Deviation or Absolute Percentage).
- Include the Cutoff Scores for Question Categories in the report headers.
- If more than one course is selected, the system will automatically default the cutoff scores to the default. This functionality will function fine even when cutoff scores are present.
Localization support for Spanish
Expand Localization support to include Spanish for SimCapture\LiveCapture.
Enable the selling of SC\LC to clients in Spain who require Spanish translations.
Known issues
Flash related issues
We wanted to provide everyone with some insight into the Flash Player issues that we have been experiencing while also providing additional information to help when communicating with clients.
Investigation around the recent flash crashes
We used to see a Flash Player release every three years or so. With each new version, we would inevitably see issues, and then we would quickly resolve them. In March\April of 2017, a new flash player was released. After this new release, we immediately started receiving reports of the Flash Player having indeterministic crashes. As such, we must find out from the field what patterns are causing the issues, prepare a test case that causes the crash to Adobe and report it to fix it on their end. There is concern that this will be difficult to find as there are many unknowns about issues like this, and our ability to reproduce it internally has not been fruitful.
Enabling flash issues
- At the same time as the crashing issues, some browsers have started disabling Flash Player by default even if you had enabled it previously. They allow the Flash Player to be re-enabled, but they have made it more complicated to do manually.
- We went ahead and wrote some new code that will streamline that process.
- Chrome users: Will see a "click to enable Adobe Flash Player" notification.
- Firefox users: Will see a SimCapture branded page with instructions for downloading a version with Flash already enabled.
- IE users: Will see a proper Adobe Flash Player required page with a helpful download link.
Next steps
We are working now to resolve the Flash crashing issues with the latest version of Firefox. We prioritize Firefox as its debug player offers us some helpful information that we can use to eliminate this issue, hopefully. We are also reaching out to contacts that we have at Adobe for direct assistance with Flash. Stay tuned for future updates.
Evaluations: Unable to upload images with capital letter file extensions
When uploading images to an evaluation, if the file extension contains capital letters, the file will fail to upload even if it is a supported file type like .png or .jpg
Bug fixes and improvements
- Resolved an issue with many CCM clients where the monitor feeds within the Monitor Interface would cut out and go black while changing rooms.
- Fixed a pre-existing issue with Center Sign-In where the system would not correctly sign users out at the default time of midnight.
- Fixed an issue with the new List Cache pages where course admins could view all courses instead of just the ones they are set as course admins on.
- Fixed the default exam flows that did not have StopRecording states. Using these flows can cause issues when running.
- Corrected an issue where the last user activity time stamp was not updating correctly due to changes made to the user page during the List Cache feature.
- Resolved a bug where the start session column within the Sessions Tab of the User page would not show any date values. Users > Sessions Tab > Session Start Column
- We now ensure that the Session List Page appropriately filters when viewed without Debrief or Debrief Unrestricted permissions.
- Fixed an issue where the scenario deletion policy was not correctly deleting video files located on network SimCapture devices.
- Corrected an issue with the installer in which the Edit Video functionality was dependent on the client also having the iPad Debriefer Module installed.