SimCapture Enterprise with Exam System: How to configure OSCE rotational scheduling
Gain an understanding of how to effectively configure OSCE rotational scheduling specifically within SimCapture Enterprise with Exam System.
We have streamlined the process of configuring and running your in-center and remote OSCEs, minimizing disruptions on exam day. With Rotational Scheduling—available only for SimCapture Enterprise with Exam System—you can simplify event scheduling and execution, including the ability to:
- Create a new reservation type specifically for OSCEs.
- Set time slots for an exam and assign learners, standardized patients, and scenarios for each location.
- Use the wizard to identify conflicts or errors, such as a learner not being assigned to all scenarios within the course or being paired with the same standardized patient twice.
- Configure all rooms in the Control Interface for a specific time slot with one click.
- Automatically assign students to multiple scenarios, ensuring they are allocated to rooms for each time slot until all available scenarios are covered.
To start using this feature, follow the steps below:
Set Up Rotational Scheduling
- Log in to your organization and click the Courses tab in the global navigation bar.
- Select the course you want to work on.
- Scroll to the Agenda pod and click Go to full agenda.
- Click New Rotational Event. Note: At least one Scenario must have patients listed in the Standardized Patient area for this button to appear.
New Rotational Event
Event (Step 1)
You will need to select your start and end dates, as well as your start and end times. Additionally, choose your Session Length, which is required and represents the time from login to debrief. Ensure that the Session Length reflects the actual duration of the session. Click Next to proceed to Step 2.
Note: Event time slots on the rotational schedule must be at least five minutes long.
Rooms (Step 2)
Click the appropriate radio button to select either Remote Rooms or In-Center Rooms.
Remote Rooms: Enter a number in the "How many remote rooms does your event need?" box. Click Next to proceed to Step 3 or click Back to return to Step 1. If Remote OSCE is not enabled, the Remote Rooms option will not be available.
In-Center Rooms: Choose which exam rooms will be included in this exam. You can select rooms individually and move them using the right and left arrow buttons or move all rooms at once.
Patients (Step 3)
Select at least one patient from the Scenarios to participate in the event by clicking one or more patient names, then click the arrow pointing to the right to add the selected patient(s). To remove patient(s), click their name and then click the arrow pointing to the left. To add all patients to the event, click the two arrows pointing to the right; to remove all patients, click the two arrows pointing to the left. Click Next to proceed to Step 4.
Learners (Step 4)
Select at least one learner from the course participant list to take part in the event by clicking one or more learner names, then click the arrow pointing to the right to add the selected learner(s). To remove learner(s), click their name and then click the arrow pointing to the left. To add all learners to the event, click the two arrows facing to the left; to remove all learners, click the two arrows pointing to the right. Click Next to proceed to Step 5.
Encounters (Step 5)
Here, you will see the time slots and the number of exam rooms you selected earlier. Hover your cursor to the right of a time slot, and under the exam room name, click + Add.
Then, choose your Scenario (required), Patient (required), and Learner from the drop-down menus and click Submit.
Once submitted, you can click the entry and Edit or Remove it.
Rotating Students
To rotate students, associate one time slot with a Scenario, Standardized Patient, and Student information. Then, select the time slot from the left and click Rotate. Additional time slots will be automatically filled with the rotated information. Rotating is only available when multiple scenarios are configured and scenarios are not assigned to adjacent rooms. Time slots will be auto-assigned until all students in the first time slot have completed all scenarios. This process can then be repeated with additional students until all time slots are filled.
In the Step 5: Encounters area, you can also click on a time slot with a scheduled event, copy that event, select a different time slot, and paste the copied event into the new time slot. You also have the option to Remove All events.
Click Add Break if you would like to schedule any breaks. This feature does not replace any time slots. If desired, you can click Paste To All Timeslots to add a scheduled event to every available time slot for that exam room.
Before Paste to All Timeslots
After Paste to All Timeslots
You will not be able to double book when using the Paste To All Timeslots feature. You can edit individual entries to choose any patient or learner associated with the Scenario you selected in Step 3.
If you accidentally navigate away from this screen before clicking Submit, return to the course you are working on, click Go to full agenda, and your work will be auto-saved.
Click Submit. If necessary, a warning will appear asking you to review your agenda. If you are satisfied, click Save. The Rotational Event will be displayed on your Calendar, and you can edit the event from the Calendar page by clicking on it and then selecting Edit.
Run the Event
Once the event appears on the Calendar, you can run it by selecting the Control tab from the global navigation bar, clicking SEE SCHEDULE, highlighting your event, and then clicking Apply.
Clicking Apply will automatically configure rooms with Scenario and Patient information for in-center events, and Scenario, Patient, and Learner information for remote events for the selected time slot.